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Tertulia Histórica Albuquerque: Where Blood was Spilled: The U.S.—Mexican War of 1846

January 30, 2021

2 pm (MST)

Live via Zoom

Register in advance HERE

The war between the U.S.A. and Mexico in 1846 was a world event that shaped the destiny of both nations. New Mexico was impacted directly, as it went from being part of the new nation of Mexico to being a U.S. territory, and ultimately, a U.S. state. In this presentation, State Historian Rob Martinez will discuss the causes of the conflict and examine the fallout from those events, as well as the impact on New Mexico history specifically.

Free, Registration Required

State Historian Rob Martínez is a native New Mexican from Albuquerque. A graduate of the University of New Mexico with an M.A. in Latin American history, with an emphasis on New Mexico history. Rob was a research assistant at the Vargas Project, learning research skills and paleography, abilities that would serve him well as a historian. Before becoming state historian in 2019, he was deputy state historian for six years at the New Mexico State Records Center and Archives.

Albuquerque is presented by the National Hispanic Cultural Center in collaboration with the Office of the New Mexico State Historian.

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