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Cervantes Film Series: Os fillos da vide

May 12, 2023

12:00 pm MST (available for 48 hours)
Instituto Cervantes Vimeo Channel Here

Geolocalizaciones y nuevas ruralidades | Geolocations and new ruralities

Wine culture has an atavistic tradition in Mediterranean culture. The economy derived from it comes along with rites that allude to the importance of the community in its communication with nature and in the celebration of life. The formal bet of the director Ana Domínguez highlights all the visual elements that compose an imaginary that flees from the rational to evoke another type of knowledge: the one offered by nature.

Synopsis: The director Ana Domínguez brings us closer to her origins through this film in which she shows the grape harvest process in a small Galician village. The wine culture becomes an ancestral journey that moves between the autobiographical and the mythical, from the natural cycles to the most visceral traditions, the village festivals, which, as a reflection of the ancient bacchanals, become an explosion of life.

Free community event

Rural life has undergone countless changes in the last two centuries, as has also occurred in the urban sphere. Migratory movements have been depopulating huge agricultural areas, where the youngest inhabitants have moved to cities to forge their future, often outside their own countries. In recent times, however, there has been a new vocation to recover the elements of wellbeing that the rural environment offers to the people and communities that make it up. Existence outside busy urban life has become an alternative model of sustainability and coexistence that proposes another way of repopulating rural spaces, but beyond the idyllic readings of this return, a sector of the population is trying to define and found this new rural life.

In order to illustrate these new movements, the Cervantes Institute presents an online film program with four documentaries that bring us closer to stories of life in the countryside in four very different parts of the Spanish geography. The four stories open a window on the lights and shadows of this way of life and offer a contemporary perspective on traditions, but also on the problems involved in maintaining these new challenges for the future.


  • May 5, 2023: Soñando un lugar (2018), de Alfonso Kint
  • May 12, 2023: Os fillos da vide (2017), de Ana Domínguez
  • May 19, 2023: 150 i una grossa (2020), de Aurora Sulli y Núria Deulofeu
  • May 26, 2023: Los saldos (2022), de Raúl Capdevila


May 12, 2023
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