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Jugamos Juntos: ¡Vamos al Museo! With Carol Sanchez

July 7, 2018

10:30 am to 12 pm

The National Hispanic Cultural Center is pleased to offer free children’s programming during the summer. During June, July, and the first two Saturdays in August, families will be able to come to the Center on Saturday mornings for a new activity every week.

A great morning of art-making for children of all ages and families of all sizes.  A visit to the museum is included in this workshop led by artist Carol Sanchez who has work on display in the exhibit Aquí Estamos: The Heart of Arte. We will meet in the Creative Classroom in the Pete V. Domenici Building.

Please pre-register (so we know how many materials to prepare): https://goo.gl/forms/1mk0uGSN0fqV8pSr1.

For more information please call or email Elena Baca at 505-246-2261 or ElenaD.Baca@state.nm.us
Free, $5 donations are encouraged to support the artists & purchase supplies


July 7, 2018
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